Contractor's Aide
Contractor's Aide services:
Concrete - including foundations, slabs, tanks
Equipment foundations
Dolly pads/dock work
Pipe work
Storm sewers
Drainage Systems
Retaining walls
ADA Ramps & renovations
Interior and exterior excavation
Carpentry, doors
Insurance work
Light bases, trenching, asphalt restoration
Epoxy concrete
Masonry repair
Contractors know they can count on our team to deliver great work that makes them shine in their customers’ eyes.
Bertolet Construction is Penn DOT Pre-Qualified for excavation, storm sewers, curbs, sidewalks, inlets, bridge culverts and structural walls. You can count on us to bring integrity and high quality to every job, every time. You can count on us to bring integrity and high quality to every job, every time.You can count on us to bring integrity and high quality to every job, every time.
Case Study: Wernersville State Hospital
The general contractor completed the demolition portion of the project with his own forces and equipment.
He then turned to Bertolet Construction for the entire sub-grade repair to utility tunnels and installation of sub-grade infrastructure improvements.
Bertolet Construction also had its own subcontractors but had complete responsibility from grade level down.
Bertolet Construction was responsible for the risks and challenges that are found below grade.